Morris Ferrari
Friday, November 25, 2016
New website from Morris Ferrari -
Black Friday is here get our best gifts at our best price before they are gone. Everything from Samsung and much more! Read more...
Monday, September 12, 2016
Sunday, May 29, 2016
Wednesday, May 18, 2016
Resumo e trailer do livro Sucursal do Inferno - Você precisa ver!
Sucursal do Inferno
de Morris Ferrari
Guerras -
Corrupção - Estremismo Religioso
Essa mistura explosiva gera:
Miséria - Fome
- Sede -
Doenças -
Escravidão - Extermínios
Nações comandadas por ditadores sanguinários, com seus
territórios divididos, dominados pelos Senhores da Guerra e seus ferozes Cães
de Guerra, portando armas devastadoras, matando, mutilando, estorquindo e
escravizando – exigindo a qualquer custo seus “Despojos de Guerra”.
Aqueles que não pagam em dinheiro, pagam com a própia
Jovens, que deixam de semear a terra para produzir
alimentos e matar a fome, tornam-se mercenários, que semeiam ódio, morte e
destruição. Tornam-se demônios e criam seus “Infernos Particulares”.
Crianças, jovens ou mulheres são as mais vuneráveis; são
abusadas continuamente – pagam com seus
corpos, escravizadas e violentadas, barbarizadas e espancadas, milhares delas
servem a bandos inteiros; estão sózinhas, abandonadas – servindo a esses Cães
de Guerra.
A very nice book - Summary Branch of Inferno
“Branch of Inferno”
by Morris Ferrari
War – Corruption –
Religious Extremism
This extreme blend creates:
Misery - Hunger - Thirst –
Disease – Slavery –
Nations commanded by bloody dictators, their
territories divided and dominated by local warlords, and their dehumanizing
militias carry devastating weapons to mutilate, extort, and enslave all
citizens., Demanding by any means a share of the extorted people's properties.
Those ones who don’t pay in cash, pay with flesh.
Young people, instead of sowing the soil to produce
food and stop the hunger, become mercenaries, propagating hate, death, and
destruction. They lose their humanity creating their own branches of the
Women and children are most vulnerable.
Abused continuously. Paying with their bodies. They are enslaved, raped,
barbarized and beaten. They are the endless and silent victims
forced to serve the shameful warlords and militias. Isolated and
David, an American, in a dream or vision, is led to
this Inferno, a dry and desolate land, an immense desert, lawless, where the
control comes from dictators and the warlords.
He finds a young lady, dying of dehydration and
starvation. Her body and soul devastated from the abuse of the her captors, a
local warlord and his mercenary militia.
She escaped after an aerial attack from allied
forces, only to perish in a sizzling desert. A dead end of one of the many
branches of inferno.
David and Sofia’s epic story has begun with their
first encounter. He makes an unbelievable effort to save Sofia, however, in
order to do so he needs a miracle, water and food. Otherwise Sara may
Carrying Sofia in his arms, he crosses the barren
land, climbs mountains and dunes, crosses a savannah, only to find no food and
not a single drop of water.
“Branch of Inferno is both a fantastic and shocking
story, which leads to a startling conclusion. Inferno is right here on
Earth. A quick read with life altering truths exposed, your life will not be
the same!
“Branch of Inferno” by Morris Ferrari
Mauricio Sousa Leite – Sucursal do Inferno (Branch of Inferno)
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